
Mistakes and Failures (Part 2)

Another flick of the wand unleashed his tier five spell, Dark Dimension. Vastor's eyes turned black and every speck of light disappeared from the room, making Zinya think that she had gone blind again.

The darkness spread throughout the room and when the undead tried to move forward, they discovered that the energy surrounding them was so thick that it was akin to moving through mud.

A mud that seeped inside all of their orifices, flooding their bodies with darkness magic until nothing was left. To those staring at the scene from the outside, the lights inside the house had just flickered.

Yet five elder undead had disappeared, whereas the humans still stood there as if nothing had happened. Vastor drank the potions he had left on the table while looking in the eyes of the flabbergasted undead who were staring at him from the broken windows.

"Who are-" A beam of golden light cut the female undead short and her head off.