
Methodical Madness (Part 2)

"Quisar didn't see him coming and thanks to his steed, not even the arrays could stop us. We have combined our strength and soon Quisar will-"

"Orpal is there?" Thrud cut the Hippogriff short, her voice filled with dread.

His contribution to the battle would force her to split the loot in half with him. Quisar was one of the biggest targets of that day's agenda which meant she would lose a lot of resources. Yet magical crystals and metals were the least of her concerns.

"Yes. We are winning." Ginma repeated, to make sure that his liege understood he carried good news.

"I don't give a fuck about winning a single battle nor killing a mere elder. Order the retreat and have Orpal call me. Now!" The Hippogriff had no idea what was happening, but Thrud's tone didn't leave space for argument.

She even interrupted her own mission, drumming her fingers against the communication amulet in a frenzy until the Dead King's rune finally lit up.