
Menadion’s Wrath (Part 1)

Along with the volley of train-sized bursts of Origin Flames, Chaos spells erupted from Zoreth's whole body, each one big enough to obliterate a human-sized creature in one hit.

Emperor Beasts and plants could afford to get hit without dying, but in the heat of the battle stopping their movement was the same as becoming sitting ducks.

The Raiju had abandoned her human form and galloped through the battlefield, unleashing a rain on white bolts of lightning in her wake. Those who didn't dodge Bytra discovered that her strength was above that of an Emperor Beast.

Her horn would pierce through armor, scales, and flesh alike, draining the life out of her victims while electrocuting them.

Each hit of Dolgus' maces either killed or incapacitated an Awakened. The particles of light that his movements generated had now formed a thick curtain that crackled with power.