
Meeting (Part 1)

"Yeah, they did it on purpose. Keeping us from the academies so that we have no plausible explanation for our powers and we are completely dependent on our old masters.

"I never had to learn how to cook or even buy groceries, let alone get myself a job. I can't miss this opportunity. If I become Raagu's heir, I'll easily become an elder and I will never have to bother myself with money again." Athung snarled.

Each mage could only have an heir because legacies had proved to be like kingdoms, they couldn't be split without causing a war. The Council's first attempt of increasing the numbers of Awakened to keep up the pace with fake magic's development had brought disastrous results.

Madmen, degenerates, or even worse, foolish goody-two-shoes idealists that wanted to save Mogar from itself had infiltrated their ranks, forcing the Council to purge the rotten apples before they could plant their seeds and spread like a disease.