
Meet the Parents (Part 3)

Just like its master, the Verhen house had never stopped growing ever since Lith had started working as a Healer for his village first and for the highest bidder later.

It was now a beautiful two story cottage, which didn't look like a farmer's home, more like the cozy countryside love nest of a noble. The walls were entirely made of stone and the sloping-roof was covered with high quality tiles.

The inside looked even better. The floor was made of hardwood and covered with soft carpets which helped to keep the house warm and gave it a welcoming feel. Kamila had rehearsed what to say to each member of Lith's family many times in her head.

She wanted to make a good first impression, yet she had no idea the mission was already accomplished. Tista had nothing but good things to say about her. Also, she was the first girlfriend Lith had ever brought home, his family had mistaken his obsession with control in preparing the event for tender affection.