
Meat Factory (Part 2)

The Gate opened into the bottom right corner of the room, allowing them to examine its contents. There were several thanks filled with a transparent liquid, similar to those Lith's group had found in the first building.

One cylindrical tank held a female Tek in what they could only hope was a state of suspended animation. Her exoskeleton was pierced by tubes in several places, flooding her body with liquids of different colors.

The liquids' nature was a mystery, but their purpose was as clear as day. The poor creature was forced to produce eggs non-stop. Each one was the size of an orange and was made of a translucent pearly substance holding a smaller golden sphere at its center.

The second tank held another Tek that had to be a male. Based on the extra tube on his nether regions, he wasn't faring any better than his unwilling breeding mate.