
Matching Sets (Part 1)

"The truth is that after the fusion, once Grandma told me that I wasn't pregnant, I felt sad when I was supposed to be relieved. It would have messed my life and Lith's marriage big time, yet despite all my logic that's what I truly wanted." Solus finally said.

An awkward silence fell between them as Solus searched for the words to express her feelings and the others blinked dumbly at her.

"I think that deep down I'm really scared of losing Lith. That now that Kamila knows everything, our bond will weaken and we'll grow distant.

"Maybe, in a dark corner of my head, I thought that a baby would have strengthened our bond again and given me a part of Lith that would only belong to me." Solus' voice was a whisper as if she feared someone might overhear her.