
Like Paper (Part 2)

There was a long list of Jiera's coast cities that were known to the people of Garlen but there was no telling if they were built over a mana geyser or not. More importantly, they might have been destroyed by the lost cities after their escape or occupied by monster tribes.

Corpses were but food for monsters and the now-empty houses were a perfect shelter for anyone with enough brains to turn a handle. The Wayfinder moved at moderate speed, to give the watchmen the time to look for signs of settlements or of the presence of monsters.

"I don't get it." Kelia said while searching the ground with Life Vision while Lith flew at a low altitude. "If the monsters of Zelex can only stay on a mana geyser it means that Jiera's Council shared with Garlen the location of a few geysers.

"Why don't we just go there?"