
Learn from History (Part 2)

"Just the sheepskin necessary for the fliers, the need to organize rallies, and the people that must travel far and wide throughout the country to spread your electoral promises cost a fortune." Bytra replied.

"Those with the right ideas rarely have the means whereas those who have the means rarely have any interest in changing the status quo. Democracy is great on paper, but once you try it out, you discover that unless you have the money to make your voice heard, you are nothing but a whisper in a storm."

Lith nodded, remembering what usually happened on Earth where even people with a good heart and full of ideals were forced to sell themselves to get the necessary funds to be elected.

No matter what they promised, they were always forced to compromise so much that their dreams became so watered down to be irrelevant, if not completely twisted. Very few countries on Earth could be called civil, the rest just pretended to.