
Last Stand (Part 1)

"We will remember it." Sylpha knelt to Tyris, lowering her gaze in submission.

"I have one question." Meron said while assuming the same position, incapable of looking the Guardian in the eyes. "It seems to me that you like Verhen and even respect him."

"You are correct on both issues." Tyris nodded for him to continue.

"Then why didn't you do anything when Morn issued that damn Royal Decree? Why did you stand idly when Meln Narchat set up the trap in the Heavenly Wolf Restaurant? Why did you remain silent until this very moment?" The King asked.

"For the same reason I'm not moving a finger against Thrud, I didn't stop the civil war seven years ago, and I never protected you against Balkor's attacks. Because I love you too much to rob you of your opportunity to become a better person."

"What do you mean?" The Queen raised her gaze in confusion.