
Laruel (Part 1)

"You would be at risk of being attacked even without the current struggle for power, but as it is now, you might as well walk with a target on your back." Lyta said.

"Between plant folk resenting humans, the infected starving due to the parasite, and Erlik's followers disguised among the crowd, being Leannan's guests of honor might not be enough to ensure your safety."

Lyta was many things, but rude to her friends wasn't one of them. She was politely trying to warn Kalla that once again her nature could bring her a lot of trouble. Erlik was bound to consider her a traitor, whereas plant folks would only see her undead half and consider Kalla either an enemy or a plague-spreader.

"Thanks for your concern, but I'll take my chances." Kalla reverted to her full Wight form.