
Laruel's Secret (Part 2)

"He's a traitor to our race. He traded the gifts of life for those of death. His corpse has no place in our sacred ground. Only fire can purify his remains and by turning him into ashes, his spirit will be cleansed of undeath and be able to start anew once he blooms again." A Treantling said.

Friya snapped her fingers and the dried willow was soon turned into ashes and carried away by the wind. Once killed, a thrall would lose all the vigor that their blood core granted them and their body would revert to the shriveled state that constantly feeding their master inflicted upon them.

"I must say, I would've never expected for a human woman to be so strong and powerful. Watching you killing a filthy Grendel was… exciting." A male Dryad wearing nothing but a smile and sporting a set of six-pack abs you could grate cheese on said while grabbing Phloria's hip.