
Know Mercy (Part 2)

Borj's face instantly regained color and his pained expression relaxed into a serene smile. His injuries were gone, and even though he was hungry and weak, he didn't feel his life slipping away anymore.

'I'm sorry, dude.' The Voidfeather thought. 'I can't allow George to share a bit of his deadly life force with you. Even if it doesn't kill you, it would make him hungry. You wouldn't like him when he's hungry.'

Derek stared at the emerald construct in utter confusion, experiencing an emotion that he was certain couldn't belong to him: filial love.

After Borj was completely healed, Mother's Embrace still had more than enough mana left to cure Agra and Liru. The old woman pointed her gnarly finger at them and so did Derek.

The remaining energy fixed the travelers' burns, leaving them exhausted but with no scar from the assault.