
Investigation (Part 1)

"There are six of us." Jirni said after a headcount. "Usually I'd split us into groups of two to cover more ground without wasting time. However…"

She took a long look at the bizarre team she had to work with.

Two young women with no real field experience, an average mage who seemed to be more a political puppet than an asset, two feral monsters in human guise who didn't give a damn about the tragedy that was taking place inside the city of Othre, and Manohar.

She knew his personal file inside and out. Jirni would need to consult a thesaurus to properly describe the god of healing.

"…I can't take my eyes off of him, so he has to come with me." She said cuffing Manohar to her wrist again.

"I'm here as Manohar's assistant. I belong in your group." Tista walked to Jirni's side.

"I'm here as her bodyguard. I go where she goes." Lith followed suit.

"That's not our deal!" Dorian was starting to get the Royal Constable's point.