
In the Bark (Part 2)

Lith sighed and focused Abyssal Grasp on the golden leaf. It was splendid, majestic, and also just a lump of energy like the rest of the Sapling's life force.

'I must follow Valtak's teachings and use the Dread Flames as feelers. If the World Tree is right, I should find some difference between knowledge and emotions.' Lith shifted his focus from the breathing technique to the Dread Flames, using Solus' Sage Staff to enhance his mental acuity.

The silvery flames enveloped the golden leaf and once Lith was certain they caused no harm, he sent them deeper. Most of the golden energy was just that, energy. By traversing it with the Dread Flames, Lith glimpsed upon spells, their inventors, and their insane agendas and methods.

Witnessing the horrors that perfecting a single Forbidden Spell required was unsettling even for him so Lith didn't dwell on it. He kept searching until he spotted a black swirling current moving below the leaf's surface.