
Impossible Magic (Part 3)

Dozens of her minions had died to buy her time, but it had been worth it. She completed an array that sealed light magic in a space of ten (33 feet) radius around the Mad Professor, turning both his swords and shields into fireflies.

"Let's see who is the one trick pony now." She said with a smug expression while watching the Carpenters surround him.

'I'm going to retrieve my body. Kill him at all costs. Overload your bodies with mana and self destruct, if you have to.' Hessie sent the telepathic order and walked away from the dungeon.

After regaining her cool, she had realized that it was pointless to play by her opponent's rules. He was alone in her house, the only thing she needed to win was to play it smart. Skill and preparation could kill even the strongest genius.