
Hybrid (Part 2)

The monster-Eldritch hybrid executed Tezka's tier five Chaos magic spell, Hungry Void. Normally it would've been impossible to weave such a powerful spell so fast, but the wargs mind link allowed the Abominations to use the fleeing monsters as catalysts.

Each one of them cast a small part of Hungry Void, leaving to Tezka only assembling and harnessing its energy. A black sphere materialized in front of the hybrid, clashing against Lith's spells with such strength to make the ground tremble.

Lith didn't like this turn of the events, but everything was still within his expectations. He believed that just like the warrior he had previously defeated, the warg in front of him was simply being empowered by its pack.

He had his spells envelop the black sphere as he unleashed more spells to finish off the wargs still in sight and cripple the enemy.