
Hostile Takeover (Part 2)

"I already get plenty of blood madness fits at home and I'm afraid that under stress things will get much worse. I don't want to screw up your perfect record." Bytra said.

"All the more reason to bring you along. Blood madness is caused by the trauma that the memories of the other Bytra inflicted upon your mind when you assimilated her essence. You must embrace the good and the bad things of your previous life if you want to heal." Xenagrosh said.

"I'm not that person anymore. It wasn't me killing all those people for petty reasons. I don't want and I have no reason to remember what the Original Bytra did!" Bytra said, acting childish for a woman her age.

"You're not? Really? Then where that hammer and your Forgemastering techniques come from?" Xenagrosh pointed at Menadion's Fury that Bytra was clenching with all her might.