
Hollow Victory (Part 2)

"Bravo. You killed the monsters. Monsters that treated us better than this fucking city ever did. When my daughter fell ill, there was no Healer, because my fellow citizens drove him away." Each of the farmer's words was coated with venom and spite.

"My wife fell ill while taking care of the baby, yet no one did anything. I was forced to leave Maekosh on my cart, hoping to find a Healer before death claimed them. I found the wargs instead.

"Can you believe it? Monsters took pity on me when even my own kin betrayed me." Lith could see the man's life fading away with every breath he took, yet his hatred was stronger than death.

"They cured them. Cured me of my humanity, making us all stronger. Now they are dead and so are we. I regret killing those farmers, they had done nothing wrong. They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.