
High-Master (Part 1)

"Nice to see you, Lith. This meeting is long overdue, I know, but I never found the right moment to tell you the truth. To answer your questions, yes, I know you're an Awakened. Yes, I'm the Master of whom you might've heard about.

"Yes, I suspect that you stole the violet crystal during the military training, and yes, Xenagrosh works for me. She's the niece I told you about so many times. Anything else?" Vastor said.

"How did you Awaken?" Lith asked.

"Nandi, my staff, and the breathing techniques from my children. Next question." He said with a chuckle.

"How did you get here so fast? Usually, it takes you some time to make up an excuse and get away from your work." Nandi asked and Vastor replied with a snap of his fingers.

The air above the Minotaur's shoulder distorted, letting out a small black fox.