
Hidden Signs (Part 1)

Lith could distinguish the passage of several different people in the room, each one with their own smell and fear. Lith illuminated the area, revealing several different shreds of clothing near the table's edges, where the people strapped to it had struggled to escape.

Brown stains of dried blood were visible on both the stone table and floor, making it resemble more a sacrificial altar rather than a science lab. The raw amount of mana still lingering in the air made Lith's skin crawl.

'By my maker. Whatever that is, it needs so much mana to work that I wouldn't be surprised if we found a second Mana Reactor.' Solus thought while Lith took scans of the device with his army amulet.

"This is no mana crystal." Lith pointed at the white prism that was supposed to fuel the artifact.