
Green Array (Part 1)

Lith rushed back to the Warp room while keeping Life Vision active.

'It must have happened after Yondra disposed of the magical beasts. That's why no more dimensional corridors have been opened, our enemy must have captured Rainer while we were busy!

'They didn't want us around to keep us from meddling and be sure that they would manage to take him alive, dammit. This means that I have no time to waste. If Phloria and Quylla have been captured as well, the Odi can start the body-swapping procedure at any time!'

Lith was right and wrong at the same time.

It hadn't been a plan, like his paranoia suggested to him. The Odi had simply exploited the opening that had been created the moment the group had split. Also, they would never start their experiments before being sure that nothing could mess with the first opportunity they had in centuries to walk Mogar again.