
Golden Cage (Part 1)

Linnea didn't like killing innocents, but she had no other choice. Fame was a double-edged sword and now it was pointed at her throat.

Pictures of her face were still hung on the walls of all decent establishments among the most wanted criminals and the bounty that the Master had put on her head made the non-decent ones even more dangerous.

The only reason why she had taken the risk of coming to the Frothing Mug was that she had been promised safe passage out of the Orthan region and a new identity.

Getting out of the city with dimensional magic was easy, but then what? Linnea couldn't bear the thought of spending the years that she had left on the run like a petty criminal, eating crappy food and sleeping in cheap inns if not in the wilds.

'I'd rather die than live like a commoner, hiding my talent for magic and never drawing attention.' She thought.