
Glimmer of Hope (Part 2)

'Please, kill me. I don't want to hurt you.' The Raiju cried non-stop, her muzzle twisting due to her inner conflict yet the horn never stopped.

'And I don't want to hurt you either!' Solus said. 'This is not you, Bytra. Fight it!'

She actually had no way to damage the Raiju from that position, but such a cynical statement would have only compromised Bytra's focus.

'Maybe you can't but I can. Never again!' Bytra felt the Adamant of the Voidwalker give way to her horn and then pierce through Solus' flesh.

The smell of blood and the sight of the wound gave the Raiju a fit of blood madness that the Unwavering Loyalty array tried to suppress whereas Bytra fanned its flames.

The shock put her two cores at odds as they rejected each other, undoing Vastor's hard work.