
Glemos’ Legacy (Part 2)

"They have also partly reached the next evolutionary step like the creatures we met in Faluel's mine." Solus said.

"That's why the trolls could syphon darkness magic just by touching me and could cast Light Mastery without studying it!" Nyka said in shock.

"It also explains why the Warg was so damn strong and smart. She and her pack were halfway through becoming a Hati." Just saying those words made Tista's back hurt more.

"As I said, it's just a theory, but it covers all bases and answers all the questions you've asked me." Faluel rubbed one head under the other to scratch one of her long necks.

"That's why we must move quickly. I'm going to contact Ajatar and Morok in the hope that they can help us find Glemos' true lab. If we don't get there first, the Council will steal Morok's legacy and kill all those poor bastards.