
Gifts and Gratitude (Part 2)

Not only the man was adamant about giving the Verhens gifts, but also Rena's words seemed to have hurt his pride, so she gave up. Kamila felt guilty at the idea of exploiting such a good man's heart, so she only picked one piece of clothing.

It was a close-fitting deep red woolen sweater so soft and warm that it felt like wearing a hug.

The rest of the family followed her lead and did the same. Her regret about not being able to take more was soon replaced by relief when all the shopkeepers did the same, always refusing to let them leave empty-handed.

By the time they were back to the Baron's guest house, her dimensional amulet was full and Kamila had to borrow some space from Lith's pocket dimension. Unlike the Verhens, the only storage item she had was the one Lith had gifted her for her birthday which was always half full with her working equipment.