
Gains (Part 2)

"Of course not. After all, you have to compensate me for three Orichalcum Skinwalker armors. You better give it your all, old man." Lith actually said. His smug expression hid his awe at the idea of what Orion could craft for him if he actually went all out.

"Yeah." Instead of mocking Lith back, Orion nodded. He hadn't forgotten how Lith's armors had already saved his daughters plenty of times. Orion would make the best he could without breaking the Kingdom's laws.

Royal Forgemastering techniques could only be employed to craft authorized equipment. Doing otherwise was considered treason.

Lith then decided to strike the iron while it was still hot and exploit Orion's unusual meek attitude. Lith told him about the discoveries about runes he had made during his stay in Kulah, putting the blame for his forbidden knowledge on Neshal and Yondra, while keeping Phloria out of it.

Dead mages told no tales and the Kingdom could not put dead mages on trial.