
Full Might (Part 1)

Lith and Solus mimicked the First Ruler of the Flames to the best of their collective abilities, using the Eyes to distinguish the mana flow of the sprouts from that of the World Tree.

The former still bore a trace of the Chronicler's energy signature while the latter was identical to the Yggdrasill's. It took the Eyes but a glance to achieve that and then the Ears allowed Lith and Solus to follow that mana back to the sprouts, no matter where they were hidden.

Yet due to the tremendous hardness of the thick, enchanted Yggdrasill wood of the Golems, not even Double Edge's Davross alloy would have been enough to pierce so deep, if not for one detail that had gone unnoticed amid the chaos of battle.

One detail that became apparent the moment the hybrid stood alone.

The thundering storm inside the aura of the fusion between Lith and Solus was not over. The edges of their aura now flared of a clear white, drawing bolts of energy from their cores.