
From Bad to Worse (Part 2)

'Any idea why they are made of both metal and stone? What's the advantage in that?' Lith opened a Warp Steps, allowing the others to reach the camp in a split second, while he covered their retreat.

'I have a few theories, but none to your liking.' Solus knew that Lith was hoping she could find the Odi's trademark fatal flaw of design that would allow him to effortlessly destroy them.

'No visible power switch? No cable fueling them?'

'None that I can see. Why are you still here?' She asked after he closed the Warp Steps the moment the last of his allies had crossed it.

Lith's reply came in the form of a giant mass of blue Origin Flames aimed at the closest Golem. Much to his dismay, the constructs waved their hands in unison, making the sand wave turn into a shield that smothered the flames like a wet towel.