
Friend or Foe (Part 1)

"It's none of my business." Lith replied. Phloria's recovery was slow because she had suffered extensive damage and because of her fatigue, Quylla didn't have much life force to spare.

Phloria had several broken bones, punctured organs, and was bleeding out of her head, mouth, and nostrils. She was deadly pale, gurgling more blood with each breath she took.

"I already risked my life to protect you guys from that thing at great personal cost. I will not waste my mana on a stranger when the life of another of my friends is on the line."

He started to support Quylla's spell, stopping Phloria's internal bleeding before it was too late. He could've fixed her in the blink of an eye, but with Quylla monitoring Phloria's condition he had to pretend to be a normal mage, incapable of recovering his full strength with just a few deep breaths.