
Foreign Land (Part 2)

"You should rather hit yourself. If would be less painful but much more hilarious." Solus laughed to the elf's face and many Chroniclers raised their weapons.

"Stop! We have suffered great losses today, but I need her alive." The Yggdrasil said and the elves reluctantly obeyed. "Do not fear, my Chroniclers, justice is at hands. Soon our prisoner will be bonded to one of your brethren.

"She will be reduced to a slave and forced to obey every command. I'm certain we can find something to relieve your anger." At those words, the elves smiled and it was Solus' turn to frown in anger.

"Dream on, psycho." She replied.

"Say what you want while you can, Elphyn Menadion, because soon the day will come when you'll regret rejecting kindness. We could have worked together to make Mogar a better place but you chose violence.