
First Impressions (2)

Lith unceremoniously lifted the grey shirt all the way up, revealing Nindra's flat and smooth belly. He then enhanced her metabolism with light magic, covering her abdomen in milky droplets of sweat saturated with the toxins.

His eyes and hands moved nimbly, careful to not miss even one bead of the precious liquid. The fate of the Kingdom, but even more importantly his own, depended on the alchemists finding a way to neutralize them or at least analysing their properties, making Lith's work much easier.

Even if her partner didn't care, Solus stared in envy at Nindra's full and perky breasts going up and down while she heaved in panic.

- "If I ever get a body, I would really like for it to be like this one." She thought to herself. –

Nindra's fears quickly got dispelled by Lith's careful touch, filling one containment vial after the other without taking pauses to look at the scenery, or worse taking advantage of her helplessness.