
Final Spark (Part 1)

"No! No, no, no!" Valtak struggled to escape from the bigger Dragon's embrace but she stopped him with ease. "I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen! They need me. For the Great Mother's sake, your sake, they are just hatchlings!"

"Just like the thousand others who live with me." Mogar/Tharma replied. "The only difference is that you are not looking at them right now. Those hatchlings on the moon are not special. They are not even yours.

"As you told those disgusting, rotten souls, life is for the living, Valtak, and your time is up. You don't belong in my world anymore and whatever happens next is none of your business."

"How can you say that?" He retorted in outrage.

"How can you say otherwise?" She asked back. "Do you know the damage an Abomination with your power and knowledge could cause? Do you think you are better than everyone else who came here before you?