
Final Answer (Part 2)

"Then why can't I get close to them? Why can't they move?" Solus asked amid hiccups.

"Because I don't allow cheating!" Mogar sounded furious for the first time Solus had reached the Mindscape, Elina's face was twisted with anger. "If it was up to them, they'd hug you long enough to answer every single question you have but that's against the rules.

"You came here for my knowledge and you are allowed to fight for it. Anything else is an aberration and I won't stand for it."

Solus nodded, trying to lift the Fury.

'You heard Mogar. Those are not your real parents. They are just echoes conjured to challenge me. They are just things.' She repeated to herself over and over but her words lacked conviction.

Whatever logic told her, seeing Threin and Menadion sobbing in agony as they fought against the impulse to fight the intruder broke her heart. The new Fury at her feet weighed like a mountain because she didn't want to wield it.