
Feeling Used (Part 2)

'On top of that, the only quick way back to Lutia is the Tower Warp but if I use it too often, Dawn is going to start wondering why I get better every time Nyka shuts her down.' Solus thought.

"If that's okay with you all, of course." She actually said.

"No problem." Kamila shrugged while eating her third serving of eggs with sausages.

Between the intense nocturnal activity and the growing baby, she had worked up a huge appetite.

"I'm not going back to work for a few days so we can stay together until that moment if you want."

"Thanks, but no." Solus shook her head. "I want to leave while it's still my choice instead of because I have to."

After finishing breakfast, they moved to the Desert where the sun had yet to rise.

"Sweet! After we start traveling together, we can exploit time zones to watch sunrise multiple times a day." Tista said. "Who knows, I might finally master Ethereal Aegis or even reach the violet this way."