
Family Time (Part 1)

"Excellent work, everyone. See you all tomorrow." Faluel said.

"Wait, how do I-" Lith said.

"Bye!" The Hydra Warped them to the barn before checking herself with Lifestream.

"That was an excellent workout. A few more lessons and I'll be back in shape thanks to my Awakened metabolism."

Meanwhile, in the barn, Morok swore like a trucker during a Sunday morning jam.

"Why did she send me here? I was supposed to go back to master Ajatar's lair! It will take me time and effort to get there by the city Gates network, unless…"

He looked at Quylla's lovely features. Fatigue reddened her lips and cheeks like no make-up could, also making her skin sparkle at the faintest light.

"Can I stay at your place for the night?" He asked while appreciating how her sweat and training clothes left little to his imagination.