
Fallen Further (Part 2)


Ilthin landed without the need to use a flight or gravity spell. She couldn't hope to make an impact with her light mass even by aiming for the heart of the enemy formation.

She used her bloodline ability, Shattered Soul, to produce a sonic shockwave so strong that it broke her fall and flattened the monsters in a radius of over 100 meters (328 feet) from her landing spot.

Those outside the focal point of the shriek were sent tumbling by the sheer air pressure produced by Shattered Soul, bumping into those next to them in a domino effect. Even monsters several meters tall and weighing close to 150 kilograms (331 pounds) folded like cheap shirts.

Their eardrums had been either burst or damaged by the noise, depending on how sensitive their hearing was, making the monsters lose their sense of balance. With knees wobbling like jelly, even a gentle push was enough to topple a titan, let alone the fury of a storm.