
Fairy Queen (Part 2)

"Bye, Linnea." A right hook caught her on the rebound and almost ripped her head off her neck.

Anela Linnea was a traitor and a self-righteous person but she was a good judge of character. Lith had no desire to waste his time with her and remembered who she was only because of her shared past with Nana.

Until that moment, Tista had had trouble facing a superior opponent, but now Linnea was in a much worse situation. Lith's core was stronger, his body weighed tons, and he moved so quickly that she didn't have the time to cast her spells.

The Headmistress bounced off the enchanted walls like a pinball before crashing into the floor and creating a crater. She was bleeding from her mouth, ears, and eyes while her whole body seemed to have been broken into pieces.