
Face the Darkness (Part 1)

The bond between Lith and War had protected the Abomination from the blade and the blade from the Chaos that was now harmlessly coating it.

Lith had never learned how to safely wave Chaos spells but he had discovered a few things back in Urgamakka during his battle against Vareen.

His body was partly made of Chaos and once extracted, he only needed Domination to weave it into any form he wanted. The black droplets on the surface of the blade grew in size and power as Lith's black eye lit with purple mana.

Jormun saw the barrage of tier four Chaos spells, Howling Void, and hurled the Origin Flames as fast as he could. The black spears were as thick as a small tree and as fast as a bullet, piercing through the wall of mystical fire like it was paper.