
Evil Light (Part 1)

"Oh, yes. My ancestors could use all elements like humans and cast all kinds of spells silently like beasts. What they lacked was the animal's affinity for magic and the human's training, so the experiment was an apparent failure.

"Imagine their captors' amazement once my ancestors realized that first magic was just the beginning. When they broke out of their filth-ridden cells, drank the blood of those arrogant mages to quench their thirst and then feasted upon the arrogant nobles families who had commissioned the job."

Nalrond's pupils turned bright red in a blood frenzy, as if he could see the entire scene unfolding in front of his eyes and he was eager to join his kinsmen.

"Once they achieved their revenge, my ancestors tried to live among the beasts, but because of our human mind, their society was hard to cope with. On top of that, our reproductive preferences remain unchanged, no matter the nature of our animal half.