
Evasive Manoeuvres (Part 2)

"That's it?" The Rezar said in disbelief. "You came out for a nap? And to recover from what, exactly?"

"I didn't come out for a nap." Morok snorted at the allegation. "It's just that once I was done there was no point engaging you in a staring contest. It was just the best way to pass the time while you two recovered. Can we go back inside?"

"No." Faluel shook her head. "You are done doing what, exactly?"

She looked at him with Life Vision, his life force unchanged and his blue aura devoid of any violet streak.

"Call me when you are ready." Two quick spells and Morok went back to his beauty sleep without bothering to answer.

"Gods if I hate him." Nalrond said after Hushing himself and Faluel. "First of his kind, found and married the woman he loves, and worry-free, acting as if everything is a game."

"Couldn't you say the same things about Lith?" Faluel tilted her head in curiosity.