
End of the Wick (Part 2)

'I know that it was Valtak's choice to help me unlock the blue flames but this happened because of me.' Lith thought. 'He could have put me down like a rabid dog and get out of the fight unscathed. Instead, Valtak chose to save my life at the cost of his own.'

As for Valeron and Elysia, they weren't familiar with the concept of death but they could feel the warm essence of the old Dragon growing colder and more distant. Solus, Kamila, and the two Guardians did everything they could to soothe the babies but they kept crying, begging the sleeping Wyrm to wake up.

Not far from there, in his lab, Leegaain felt Valtak's light dim. The Father of All Dragons perceived the death of all those who carried his blood and when he could afford it, he mourned for them in the privacy of his lab.


Somewhere very distant yet very close, at the same time.

Valtak sat up abruptly, like a Dragon waking from a nightmare.