
End of the Line (Part 1)

"Don't act that surprised, I'm not deaf nor dumb. After Kulah, you were distressed about something, yet you refused to talk about it with me and spent a lot of time with Phloria." Friya said to Quylla.

"Not to mention all the times you two abruptly change topic the moment I get close and after that, you have guilty looks on your faces. Quylla never had secrets for me before Kulah, so it wasn't hard to understand what happened.

"Lith is the only person we all know whose secrets we have kept hidden from our parents and even from each other."

"Lith is right when he says that we spend too much time together." Quylla sighed. "You read me like a book, Friya. All you said it's true, but it's not up to me to share such things with you, just like you didn't tell me what really happened in Zantia."

"You noticed?" Friya was flabbergasted. She had always thought that Protector's secret was safe with her.