
Empty Shell (Part 2)

'Mom and Rena kept me from killing myself when I first arrived here. Then Tista and Solus taught me what love is. Phloria helped me to become a real human instead of just pretending to be one. Kamila saved me from you time and time again.

'She taught me that there's more to life than worrying and killing.' Wings popped out of Lith's back as he grew in size, turning him into a Tiamat identical to the one that still lay on his knees in the real world.

'Without all those people, I would have died a long time ago. I would have never reached this strength nor would you have. Now look me in the eyes and answer me. Do you really call this weak?'

Multi-colored flames burst out of the Tiamat along with the powers he had and the shadows of those yet to come.

'No.' Derek said, fusing with Lith once again.

'Yet you are right as well. The Kingdom needs to be taught a lesson.' The Tiamat said.