
Embers of War (Part 2)

"Valeron is used to the nutrients that his mother, a Golden Griffon, provided him." Tyris replied.

After taking care of the baby, they left him with the handmaidens that Leegaain had also saved from the collapse of the lost academy. Ophya and Vyla were part of Valeron's life and the last bits of his family who were officially still alive.

Kamila had none of Lith's hard feelings for Thrud and her heart clenched at the thought of the hardships that Valeron would have to face alone growing up. Yet she cared more about her husband and decided to make no mention of the baby's presence in the palace.

When they returned to the dining room, Lith was done eating and Solus had returned.

"Is everything okay?" Lith asked after noticing Kamila's inner turmoil.

"Peachy. Nothing that you have to worry about, I swear." She said with a sweet smile. "How do you feel, Solus?"

"How long do you have?" She sighed. "I only want to go to sleep and forget-"