
Elysia’s Gala (Part 1)

"Would you call that man a father?" Lith asked.

"No." Varegrave's voice was filled with spite. "He brings fear instead of safety and he harms those he's sworn to protect. That's no father, that's an abomination."

"Then you have your orders." Lith couldn't risk Elysia understanding that he was placing a hit so he took a softer approach on the matter.

"Yes, My Liege." The Demon's eyes burned with violet light as he was infused with enough power to turn him into a bright violet core.

"Wait." Kamila was back, checking that Elysia was still asleep before continuing. "This is the list of circumstances of death that ensure a man's family to receive the Kingdom's assistance after his untimely demise."

"How kind of you, My Lady." Varegrave took the booklet from her with both hands before storing it inside Soluspedia and choosing the best way to perform his mission.


Verhen Mansion, on the night of the Gala.