
Elven Customs (Part 1)

'What the heck is happening?' Lith could have stopped her at any time, but due to his ignorance about elven customs, he was afraid of ruining the mission with a rude gesture before it even started.

'Don't worry, it just means that the Parliament has fallen for your act.' Aalejah replied. 'Offering themselves as a mate is the greatest honor that an elf can make to a guest. If you reject her, it would be the same as throwing her hospitality in her face.'

'How can your people have such a moronic custom?' He asked while the elf woman's hands ran over his body, acquiring a solid understanding of the shape of his back and buttocks.

'Elves live for very long and have a very low fertility.' Aalejah explained with a calm he didn't share. 'Women try as many partners as they can to increase their chances of pregnancy. That's why we are divided into clans instead of families.