
Dying Spark (Part 2)

'If only I were bigger, I could stop everything by myself.' He thought. 'With the exception of Spirit and anti-Guardian spells, of course.' Mage Slayers couldn't feed on darkness element and all spells that carried them.

Hexa-elemental Spirit and Silverwing's spells were beyond Mage Slayers and would inflict on them more damage than the nourishment they brought. Still, Lormont could neutralize everything else, even arrays, and turn their power against their original caster.

The Firstborn Draugr opened a crater upon impact with the ground, draining the life out of it as its size grew to over ten meters (33') tall, quickly followed by the Firstborn Grendel.

The two undead were resistant to all kinds of damage and drew the arrows of the elves along with their blood, buying the other Firstborns the time to converge on them.