
Dragon Hearth (Part 2)

The spells insulated the Origin Flames so as to keep anything they could burn away and preserve their strength.

The metal lids drew in world energy and fed it to the spark of Origin Flames. The Firekeeper ensured that the Origin Flames it stored would burn indefinitely until Aran's life force was consumed or the supply of world energy cut off.

"Bright yellow." Ronak commented while tapping on the enchanted glass. "We can't have that, Hatchling. Grow strong and replace it with a stronger fire."

He offered Aran his hand and the boy shook it.

"I will do my best!"

After bidding Erghak and Ronak goodbye, Lith's group opened a Warp Steps leading towards the closest mana geyser.

"How come I've never seen that toy?" Kamila asked in the attempt to change the topic and lift Leria's sour mood.

She and Aran shared a friendly rivalry that usually saw them even but this time he had scored a point that no amount of effort could emulate.