
Downfall of the Conceited (Part 1)

The spell had been so fast that the Red Sun had failed to see it and so powerful that it sent Dusk flying off his horse and onto the ground with his Davross helmet cracked.

Lepto and Jhoa kept their hands respectively on Mirim's left and right shoulder, channeling their energy into her and tripling her offensive capabilities.

The Lord Commander had fallen like a brick to let the Mother Earth potion take effect and mend all of her wounds. At the same time, she had used spirit tendrils to reattach the severed limbs and reduce the toll that the healing process would take on her stamina.

The nutrients potion of her tattoo did the rest, bringing her back to her feet by the time that Dusk had freed his horse.

'Either we finish this quickly or we lose. Come to me, now!' She said via the mind link.